
Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Since we moved into this house 5 years ago we haven't used our ageing video recorder to record anything. Why?..., because there's almost nothing on TV that is important enough to worry if you miss it. Anything that is good is released on DVD so you can then choose to rent it..We acquired a DVD recorder and I used it twice. So it's recorded some of the better bits of the Live 8 thing and The Church on the Commonwealth games..

Not been switched on since, and NOT LEFT IN STANDBY MODE EITHER!! ARGHHH!!!

Kids and TV... . Luckily my almost-3-year-old says "I don't like the adverts, they are just telling me to buy stuff I don't need". (am I a bad parent for planting that phrase in her little mind?) She does say "I want that" a bit, but doesn't get all upset when we say no. She's doing well, but we got a long way to go.

As I read on Kilbey's blog today (which prompted this rant..) Go read a book.

That said.. I still love Coronation Street.



Tuesday, June 20, 2006

White Bread Black Beer

I HAVE to recommend a new CD to you.

Perfect pop, with an intellectual edge.
I just got White Bread, Black Beer by Scritti Politti. Lyrically it's interesting and well crafted and the music is beautiful. The VOICE however is just so .. er... er..heart wrenchingly gorgeous. Green Gartside made this record in his house in Hackney, yet it sounds like Trevor Horn spent months and millions on it . (without it having that over-polished sound he sometimes produces.. though his work on Dear Catastrophe Waitress by Belle an Sebastian was perfect.. am I rambling..?)
Anyway, if anyone buys it and is disappointed, well.... I'll buy the CD back from them to give to someone else. (this offer applies to the first 2 people to contact me with genuine grievances about my recommendation! :-) )

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Where are we going?

Back in the mid 80's, after my grandfather died I was in a rock club doing my rock club thing one night when a relative stranger approached me. Her name was Michelle. I vaguely new her face from the local area. She told me she'd just ben speaking to my grandfather. (!) I'd just split with a girlfriend and was a bit down. Her message from him was that I would be fine and that one day I'd marry a girl with red hair and be happy. (I did, and have two red-haird children to prove it).

She then went on to say that he'd said I'd not believe her.. indeed she was he'd said to mention that I was wearing his wedding ring and told her the story about the little mark inside it, which i could get verified by my father . He also told her a couple of things regarding his parentage, that i didn't know and that completely stunned my father when i asked him, who then had to ask his mother, who confirmed the stories to be true. Michelle just couldn't have known these things.

What am i saying here?

Well, I never believed in an afterlife, but since then I believe that our souls exist after we die. How or why or in what context, I know not. Either way, my grandfather came to me with a positive message.

Make of that what you will.

