
Thursday, May 18, 2006

Work.. so bad they have to pay you...

I work to pay for my life. There's loads of far more intellectually stimulating writing out there on working for a living, but here's my take on it.

When I was younger and had no real plan for a working life, I fell into a job within the the industry I still work in. I end up paying out money to some people who really deserve/need it, but mostly it's just shuffling money around from one greedy bastard to another. I hate that, but through a lack of planning to some degree I'm now in a situation where I need to maintain my salary to pay a mortgage and support a family. I know if I REALLY made an effort I could change all that, but I'm fundamentally lazy and don't mind admitting it. Lazy for myself, that is, I'll work hard for my family or for others that i wish to help, but I'll rarely work hard for myself. Is that bad? Well I suppose it's my own choice and I deserve the luxury of letting myself down if I wish.

Anyway.. what I'm saying is that I make no apology for my work.. I do it because it's all I know and it facilitates my life. Crap but ... er.. real.

Life has it's compensations..My lovely kids and all sorts of stuff...

