
Thursday, June 01, 2006

Where are we going?

Back in the mid 80's, after my grandfather died I was in a rock club doing my rock club thing one night when a relative stranger approached me. Her name was Michelle. I vaguely new her face from the local area. She told me she'd just ben speaking to my grandfather. (!) I'd just split with a girlfriend and was a bit down. Her message from him was that I would be fine and that one day I'd marry a girl with red hair and be happy. (I did, and have two red-haird children to prove it).

She then went on to say that he'd said I'd not believe her.. indeed she was he'd said to mention that I was wearing his wedding ring and told her the story about the little mark inside it, which i could get verified by my father . He also told her a couple of things regarding his parentage, that i didn't know and that completely stunned my father when i asked him, who then had to ask his mother, who confirmed the stories to be true. Michelle just couldn't have known these things.

What am i saying here?

Well, I never believed in an afterlife, but since then I believe that our souls exist after we die. How or why or in what context, I know not. Either way, my grandfather came to me with a positive message.

Make of that what you will.




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